May 2010 Revised Eye & Face Standard Takes Hazard-Based ApproachThe updated and revised ANSI standard Z87-2010 has been issued. The update urges review of the workplace and selection of the appropriate frame and lens material to match the safety concern. Safety lenses will have new markings to reflect the type of lens protection. And safety frames are required to have minimum vertical and horizontal dimensions. The Z87 Committee on Safety Eye and Face Protection has completed Z87.1-2010 The chief U.S. consensus standard for protective eyewear and face protection products has been revised for 2010, with the committee behind it reorganizing it so that it is focused on the hazards workers experience rather than the configuration of the product. Dan Torgersen, chairman of the Z87 Committee on Eye and Face Protection and also vice president of Walman Optical of Minneapolis, said this approach will encourage end users to evaluate the hazards at their sites and select the PPE based on the analysis -- the classic and recommended way to choose PPE. If you would like a copy of the revised Eye and Face Protector Selection Guide; please contact me directly.
February 2008
OSHA finally released its much anticipated final ruling on employer paid PPE. After reviewing the final rule and consulting the Chicago OSHA office; it is my understanding this ruling as it applies to prescription safety glasses: When permanently attached side shields are required by the employer; the prescription safety glasses would be considered an employer paid PPE. A job which requires a specialized tint (i.e. welding, glass blowing, laser) to protect the employer from injury; these types of prescription safety glasses would be considered an employer paid PPE. The ruling also stipulates the employer pay for replacement (not including loss) PPE used to comply with OSHA standards. You might want to review your policy for replacing and paying for damaged prescription safety lenses. Full compliance is required by May 18, 2008
CFR 801.410(c)(3) CFR 886.5842 CFR 1910.132(d)
prescription glasses are considered a class 1 medical device requiring a valid prescription and the FDA stipulates lenses must be impact resistant. Both OSHA and the FDA regulate industrial prescription safety lenses.
January 2009
The Americans with Disability Act was amended and the changes became effective in January. One of the modifications addresses visual aids. Where the courts had eliminated this as an employer covered feature has been revised. So if you have an employee with a visual impairment resulting from an injury or degenerative disease like macular degeneration; I can provide not only prescription eyewear, but magnifiers to provide the best possible visual performance while on the job. Please contact me directly for details on the low vision aids which I can demonstrate at your next on site appointment.
For more information on the ADA changes please see..
New Standard for Eye Safety
Unfortunately approximately hundreds of employees suffer an eye injury on the job each week. The new standard hopefully will significantly reduce the number of injured
Changes became effective August 19, 2003, for occupational safety frames and lenses required by OSHA. ANSI Z87:1-2003, the new standard for safety glasses, means workers will have a higher level of eye protection.
The specific changes relate to the design of the safety frame, strength of the safety lenses, and the use of Plano (non prescription) frames for eye protection.
Safety frames must now be designed and successfully tested for the frame’s ability to retain the lens in the event of a blow to the frame.
The three available safety lens material (polycarbonate, CR 39 plastic, glass) must now pass a more stringent impact resistance threshold.
Non prescription one piece Plano safety frames will no longer qualify as satisfying the ANSI standard for eye protection if the employee is engaged in a high risk work activity.
Employers should begin to review their work place environments to determine those employees which must conform to the new standard of eye protection.