Arm Rotation
Extend both arms/elbows straight out each side, make small circles first forward five times, rest, then backward five times
Finger Curl
Hold arms straight out in front, make a fist, open fist and bend fingers out and up
Finger Flex
Spread out fingers as wide as possible, count to five
Head/Neck flex
Tilt head to left towards shoulder then to right. Tuck chin look to right shoulder then to left
Knee Raise
Sit straight in chair, tighten abdominal muscles, raise knees two inches, count to 3
Knee stretch
Grasp one leg below knee and pull towards chest. Repeat for other leg
Neck flex slowly glide chin towards to and touch chest, The slowly glide head backwards
Neck rotation
Slowly rotate head clockwise then reverse. 3 times each direction
Pectoral flex lock fingers behind neck. Press elbows backwards, head stationary
Shoulder relax
Arms at sides, slowly lift and roll shoulders first forward, rest, then backwards
Waist stretch
Arms straight up, lock fingers, slowly lean to the left then to the right
Sit in chair with feet flat on floor. Bend over and touch right hand to left foot. The alternate
Check with your physician before utilization of any exercise program