Vision Xperts specializes in on-site prescription safety glasses services. Take a moment to compare your current provider to Vision Xperts. We'll work with you to design a safety eyewear program that fits your budget. Prescription safety glasses are a class one medical tool for the employee; our 25 years experience will satisfy the specific visual requirements for each employee‘s job. For more information on how we can help protect your employees and your bottom line: call our office at 708-686-5266
Your Present Program Vision Xperts No Headache Program features:
*Mobile Coverage for all shifts 1st through 3rd
*100 safety frame styles for employee selection
*Exclusive Dr. Rx change protection
*24% less for progressive bifocals
*Employee Wellness programs
*No charge for nose pads, screws, repair kit
*Ophthalmic lens to improve employee visual accuracy/productivity
*Share strategies with you so you can reduce your costs
*Monthly eye health news and product updates to keep
employees safe, productive, and lower your health care costs
*Vision and corrective devices for Americans with Disability Act