Computer Ergonomics ... the ten most common mistakes employees make when using a computer are:
1. improper use of seating 2.cradling phone 3.viewing monitor from one side 4.feet not flat on floor 5. mouse on different plan 6. pressing wrists down onto wrist rest 7. no document holder 8. incorrect eyeglass prescription 9.wrists and knees not at 90 degrees 10. never leaves chair
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Computer Workplace Vision Checklist With a 40- 45 hour work week, many Americans spend about 25% of the year on the job. For those of us who stare at computer screens all day: that's over 2,000 hours glued in our chairs. When's the last time you actually stopped to think about how efficient your physical workspace is? The answer unfortunately is probably "never." When you started your job you simply sat down and began working.
Monitor: You want your computer's display to be centered in front of you, about an arm's length away when you're sitting back in your chair, Hunching over or twisting your head to the side to see your screen won't help your muscleskeletal comfort nor your ability to focus. Visualize a line going from your eyes to the screen and the line should hit about two to three inches below the top of the monitor. Otherwise you'll end up making more head movements that'll hurt you over time
Get a document holder! If you deal with documents an upright document holder should be next to your monitor. If the monitor and document holder are at the same distance your eye can more efficiently move from the document to the monitor versus constantly looking down at your desk to view a document and then back up at your monitor. This ultimately can cause neck -back - shoulder strain and take a toll on your eyes over time. Obviously this will take a toll on your job productivity and performance.
Think about where every object is placed and why. You want to create an envelope around you that has everything you need in a comfortable location. Take a minute to consider where these objects are and how their positioning helps or hinders your day to day work. If you hold your phone in your right hand is the phone on the right side of your desk (you shouldn't be cradling the phone)? If you use a stapler, printer, reference binders; are they close enough that you can reach it without straining? Basically if you're right handed you should be able to reach the tools of your work from the right side without twisting, turning, or bending. All the extra movements add up to a huge load of physical stress
Lighting: the human eye works the best in natural daylight but working outside or in front of the windows are not the answers. So make sure your documents or work areas are not in the "
shadows". Control glare to minimize visual stress. And consider supplemental lighting if you over 50 for as we age we require a brighter lighter source for optimal visual performance.Font colors and sizes: The default settings on most software font size is small. You'll discover an improvement in your overall productivity and efficiency if you change the font to a more workable setting. The proper color can also improve your interaction. And don't forget your hand held devices which we all cannot live without.
Computer ergonomics
Since 1996, Our mission is the reduction of risk & fatigue factors and improvement of comfort for people who work everyday in the computer workplace
We analyze the workplace - the individual - the job task. Our goal is to train the people and design the work environment to avoid injuries and maximize productivity. Work station and cubicle environments are evaluated for disabling and fatiguing designs. Specific office situations will reduce job efficiency while ultimately injuring the employee. We’ll identify visual difficulties which tax an employee to the point of exhaustion and stress both the eyes and body. Your eyes direct all physical activity and performance. No other source has the expertise in vision as it relates to computer operation. Bottom line: your business and its employees have a much safer --- productive --- and more profitable computer utilization.
After listening to your concerns and reviewing your individual circumstances; we’ll propose the best course of action to address your ergonomic needs whether it be for one employee, a particular department, or entire corporate population. Depending upon your situation requirements one or more of our services will be utilized. Our services are available on site or .....
Remote ergonomic assessment Beginning in 1996 our office has utilized computer technology to conduct ergonomic assessments around the globe. Our unique assessment is conducted live versus photo based. A personal interview is conducted to assess the physical health of the employee, ergonomic situation, and a full risk assessment. A live follow up will include review of the corrective action program and training.
Risk assessment: profile and identify as to the level of risk for incurring a repetitive stress injury. Evaluation includes individual biomechanics, job execution, work station layout & design, visual skill profile, and illumination.
Corrective Action Programs (CAPs): after risk assessment completion, CAPs are formulated to reduce the likelihood an employee suffers any repetitive stress injury. The ergonomic solutions may be as simple as redesigning an employee's work environment and time developed habits to reviewing ergonomic training.
Training: One on One and Teach the Teacher: two training features are available. The One on One program includes personal review and reorientation of the individual worker so as to incorporate ergonomic principals into their daily work assignments. Teach the Teacher program involves instruction of observational analysis and CAPs.
Research plays a key role in our recommendations of any product. Vision Xperts does not sell any furniture, computers, or accessories. Nor do we receive any compensation or commission on products we recommend to you. We independently evaluate and research products for their ergonomic effectiveness before any recommendation.
Ergonomic guidelines Combating Dry Eye
If you type 40 words per minute: you press 12,000 keys per hour or 96,000 keys per day
Approximately 8 ounces of force is necessary to depress one key then almost 16 tons of force will be exercised by your fingers.
NIOSH studies report 81% of computer operators experience frequent neck/shoulder discomfort. 78% experience occasional back discomfort
Strength loss after 4 hours of mouse usage your hand experiences a loss of 18% in grip