Whether you build components, operate machinery, design structures on a computer, or a student; vision plays a major role in your overall performance. Please acquaint yourself with the 7 specific symptoms to watch for which indicate a vision problem. We know most of your work related tasks are usually within arms reach. So passing a 20 / 20 test ( a 2 inch letter seen at a distance of 20 feet) doesn’t determine your true visual performance.
Warning signs of vision problems
The 7 symptoms you should watch for are:
1. Blurred vision either at a distance, near, or both
2. Holding material closer than normal (normal range between 16 - 21 inches) / Losing place while reading either on a printed page or computer monitor
3. Reoccurring headaches
4. Frequent rubbing of eyes, excessive blinking, squinting
5. Excessive head movements (left & right and/or up & down)
6. Increased tension when engaged in protracted levels of close work
7. Inability to maintain a healthy sitting / standing posture
Most of us are unaware our individual achievement, physical health, and personality are all related to visual functioning. If you are experiencing any of these visual difficulties- consult your eye doctor as soon as possible. Most visual difficulties can be addressed with prescription eyewear or contacts. But some symptoms can be a warning signal of more serious health conditions.
In order to complete your assigned work responsibilities your eyes must possess the following abilities:
Near Vision
Ability for each eye to focus and see clearly & comfortably up close while both eyes work together
Distant Vision
Ability for each eye to focus and see clearly & comfortably at a distance of 20 feet or more while both eyes work together
Binocular Coordination
Ability for the two eyes to work together. Critical for all visually demanding responsibilities especially computer use.
Field of vision
Ability to see both right & left sides, up and down, while engaged in a visual activity. This saves the body from unnecessary eye & head movements and is essential for personal safety.